Sunday, March 9, 2025

Swiping, Streaming and Slaying Technology

HomeLifestyleSwiping, Streaming and Slaying Technology

Getting older and better is all about change, and nothing changes more during our lives than technology and current events. First of all, technology use is essential for smart aging and most people in our demographic see the wisdom in that. According to an AARP study, technology use by older Americans is trending. The study reported eight in ten respondents said “technology has become an integral part of their life” and that they use it to communicate with caregivers, family, and friends.

Being technology-savvy during the senior experience also has financial, health and safety benefits. Technology is a part of making medical appointments, receiving health information, providing security to the home, paying bills, banking, investing, researching and planning major life events. And perhaps most importantly, technology is a key ingredient when it comes to connecting with and staying close to younger family members and friends, the folks who are essential to managing and supporting us senior adults during our Golden Years.

Here are a few suggestions on how to stay tech-savvy during the second half.

  • Poll your friends and family about communication and social media resources they use regularly and begin your selfeducation in those spaces.
  • Build a presence on social media.
  • Discover what communication tools work best for you and master it, but be open to learning tools that work best for others in your circle.
  • Invest and stay current in home entertainment technology and digital news sourcing.
  • Attend technology classes – virtual or in-person offered by local libraries, colleges and small businesses.

Each year, dictionary companies like and Merriam-Webster’s publish current slang words or phrases that have wormed their way into common usage. Read those and make notes and use them carefully claim your rizz!

Increasingly, technology connects and sustains all of us – in almost every area of life and in most every community around the world.


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