Saturday, February 8, 2025

Knee-monia, A Tennis Coach’s Story

HomeHealthKnee-monia, A Tennis Coach’s Story

Once upon a time back in the early 1970s, along the quaint streets and ocean breezes of the coastal town of Atlantic Beach, Florida, Michael Grant developed a love of the sport of tennis after following his older sister, Janice to the tennis courts every day after school at Jack Russell Park. From the time he held his first racquet as a young boy, tennis became more than a pastime; it became his passion, his joy and his way of life.

Over the years, he competed on courts across the United States. For more than 16 years, he was the director of Tennis at Stonegate Country Club in Scottsdale, Arizona. As time rolled by, with all the twisting, turning and pounding, the wear and tear on his knees became increasingly evident. After consulting with his doctor at Jacksonville Orthopedic Institute and weighing his options, Grant decided to undergo knee replacement surgery. It was a tough choice. He knew it would mean temporarily stepping away from the sport that has defined his life. But he also knew it was necessary for his long-term health and mobility. It was a challenging road filled with physical therapy sessions and moments of frustration but his determination never waivered.

“I wish I had taken care of this sooner. My injury would not have been as severe if I had put the brakes when I began to feel intense pain,” he said. “At age 60, going through the recovery process was the toughest match of my life but I was inspired by my students who visited me at home, delivered meals, sent cards and were ready to get me out to hit balls again.”

In Jacksonville, he has taught at Ponte Vedra Inn & Club and Marsh Landing Country Club among other locations. He currently coaches players at the Florida Yacht Club. 

Grant says you shouldn’t prolong the inevitable and to take good care of yourself. “Do it the right way and you’ll be back on the court in no time.”  

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