As we push through life, we often spend so much time caring for others and meeting the demands of daily living that we forget to appreciate who we’ve become. Some of us have gained peace of mind, or the strength to say no. Let’s take some time to honor our own stories and realize what matters most.
We asked two area residents what they love about themselves right now. Let’s take a moment to honor our own stories. Here’s what they had to say.
Joanelle Mulrain, Historic Avondale
“How do I love myself? Let me count the ways. Nearing 75, I’m not afraid of dying, I live withgusto and eyes wide open. Last Easter, I couldn’t walk 10’ without shortness of breath. Surprise – leg clots, left lung embolism, ER, CCU. Almost ran out of time. Corralled six docs to my bedside. “Tell me what to do, I’ll do it. My first grand is due in six months. I plan to be here!” Graduated cardiac rehab, lost weight, (no meat or processed food), exercise and still run 10k steps daily in the warm Y pool (6a-8a).
Embrace life, nature, old and new friends, good food, and good times. Plan experiences on the spur of the moment. De-assess “things”, more than a bucket list, make a life list. Do it now, get back to basics. Give back, smile, laugh, have hope. Move, never stop moving and loving. Life is short. Enjoy the ride!”
Susan Pelter, St. Augustine

There are a lot of things to love about being my age. I’m63. I’m a pretty good writer at this point; I make a mean gin gimlet, and I’ve been blessed with some of the greatest family, friends and clients on the planet.
I also have a good sense of humor and I get to read a lot, which has always been my favorite thing. The most surprising delight of aging, though, is the ability to let go of your own, and other people’s expectations. It’s such a joy to not to worry about what people think. It’s like being on vacation every day!”